¿Ninguna oferta se ajusta a tu perfil pero piensas que
puedes encajar en Rijk Zwaan?
I started working for Rijk Zwaan in 2002 and I still remember the moment that our station was visited by Ben Tax, one ot the three board members. He explained to us why it is important for the RZ group to keep on growing, and how everyone colleague plays an important role. That was the moment that we all realised: this is our company.
I feel very priviliged to work for a vegetable breeding company like Rijk Zwaan. I respect the company´s mision: to contribute to the world food supply and to estimulate vegetable consumption. I love the fact that so much of our work is done outside, in the field. In my first few years at the company, as a breeder broccoli, I really enjoyed spending time surrounded by so much open space and feeling at one with the elements.