Assistant breeding Pepper

Rijk Zwaan Ibérica, SA Almeria Spain Research and development

Company Description

Rijk Zwaan is one of the top 4 companies in the global vegetable seed market. Would you like to be part of a team that enthusiastically and successfully develops innovative products? If so, apply for this full-time vacancy for Assistant breeding Pepper at our station in El Ejido (Spain).


What is it like to be Assistant breeding Pepper at Rijk Zwaan?

Within the breeding department of Rijk Zwaan we are developing new varieties for different climatic conditions. The assistant is involved in practical breeding activities such as valuating and reporting on the various selection and variety trials. Sowing, crosses, harvesting, seed logistic, phenotyping and reporting the results in our breeding administration system. You work in close contact with the breeding and station teams.


We are seeking an assistant breeding with:

  • Degree Agriculture or higher vocational training in Agriculture
  • Good team player
  • Good communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Have a keen eye for detail and take a pragmatic approach
  • Good knowledge of English

Besides an academic level of thinking, we are looking for a very practical candidate who is not afraid of dirty hands and feet in the field

Other information

We can offer you:

  • A permanent contract right from the start
  • a solid position in a strong vegetable seed company
  • a young developing team
  • Various training opportunities


We will consider your application carefully, which may take some time. You will hear from us as soon as possible.

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