B737 First Officer Confirmed CDD

ASL Aviation Holdings DAC Tremblay-en-France France Aircrew

Company Description

ASL Aviation Holdings is a global aviation services holding company with a fleet of more than 160 aircraft, focused on cargo and passenger airline operations, aircraft leasing and maintenance. Headquartered in Dublin Ireland, the Group includes five wholly owned airlines; ASL Airlines Ireland, ASL Airlines Belgium, ASL Airlines France, ASL Airlines United Kingdom and most recently, ASL Airlines Australia. The Group also includes associate and joint venture airlines FlySafair in South Africa, K-Mile Asia in Thailand & QuikJet in India.

ASL’s airlines operate cargo networks for the world’s leading express parcel integrators and online retailers. Our group, joint-venture and associate airlines also operate scheduled and charter cargo and passenger services under ASL’s own airline brands and on behalf of airline ACMI customers and postal services. Globally, ASL has a team of 3,000 people of 51 different nationalities. The Group’s vision is to be the aviation service provider of choice through excellence, experience, and expertise.


Key Accountabilities:

  • Carry out such duties concerning the flight, in accordance with Company Standard Operating Procedures, including procedures, limitations and performance relating to the specific aircraft type, as are allocated by the Commander
  • Assist in promoting an atmosphere in which a good understanding and cooperation between the crew members may be expected
  • Advise the Commander if, his/her opinion, any aspect of the flight preparation has been overlooked
  • Confirm the safe navigation of the aircraft, maintaining a continuous and independent check upon both the geographical positions of the aircraft and its safe terrain clearance; to volunteer such advice, information and assistance to the Commander, as may contribute favourably towards the safe and efficient conduct of the flight
  • Seek and receive such information and/or explanation from the Commander, as may be necessary to enable the First Officer to fulfil his/her function
  • Maintain a high personal standard of discipline, conduct and appearance as a representative of the Company
  • Support the Commander, by active example, in the development and maintenance of high standard of professional expertise and morale amongst the crew; ensure validity of the operational flight plan and, when necessary, file the Air Traffic Services Flight Plan with the appropriate Authority. If stored plans are used then he/she should ensure that the correct plan has been activated



  • Minimum 300 hours total time
  • Valid Type Rating (B737)
  • Valid EASA License
  • Date of last flight on B737 within last 12 months
  • ICAO level 5 or 6 English proficiency
  • Valid EASA 1st Class medical Certificate
  • Right to live and work in the EU

Other information

Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in ASL.

Once you submit your CV and cover letter for us, the system automatically sends you an 'Application Confirmation' and a ‘Registration Confirmation’ email which contains a link to activate your account and to choose your password. We also send you the interview invitations via in-recruiting.

We kindly ask you to please check your spam folder as the emails might be ending up there. You may look for the following title(s) and E-mail address.

Title(s): Registration Confirmation / Application Confirmation

E-mail address: [email protected]

Kind Regards,


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Let's get to know each other better! Record your video presentation and tell a little more about yourself, your experiences and your skills.

Privacy Settings


INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS FOR USE IN THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ART. 13 D. LGS. 30.06.2003, No. 196 and subsequent amendments. In compliance with the provisions of the Decree. n. 196/2003 as amended, the company ASL Aviation Holdings DAC, in its legal representative pro tempore, in its capacity as Owner of the personal data, hereby informs the parties concerned of what the purpose and methods of processing of personal data collected, their scope of communication and dissemination, as well as their nature and their appointment. OBJECT OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING AND PURPOSE OF TREATMENT The personal data is processed, essentially identifying and curricular, collected by individuals themselves who voluntarily fill out this form and send his/her resume to the Owner. It may also be processed data that arises in the course of any audits and interviews to which the candidate participates. The collection will only cover common data, so the candidate will not be required to indicate sensitive information, as described by the art. 4 of the Decree. 196/2003, except in the case where the data in question should be known because of the new working relationship. This data is processed and used in full compliance with the principle of fairness and lawfulness of the provisions of law, to comply with the request of the person concerned and, more specifically, for verification of the conditions for the hiring and / or the start of a collaboration with the Owner and / or related companies and / or subsidiaries belonging to ASL Aviation Holdings DAC. By submitting this data the person concerned will get a personal account with which we will keep his/her CV/resume. Therefore the personal information is also used for maintaining an active account. TREATMENT MODALITIES The data processing is performed through the procedures or any electronically by persons, internal or external, that have been specially commissioned and committed to confidentiality. The data is stored in paper and electronic files with full assurance of security measures provided by the legislature. COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION The data collected will not be subject to disclosure and dissemination. Disclosure to third parties, other than the Owner, the managers and officers in charge of processing identified and appointed under Articles. 29 and 30 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, as amended, it is expected to companies forming part of ASL Aviation Holdings DAC, for administrative and accounting, in which there are appropriate agreements. In addition, the data may be shared with consulting firms and recruitment agencies. In any case, communication is only to carry out the selection and evaluation related to establishing the relationship with the guarantee of protection of rights. RIGHTS OF INTERESTED PARTIES Interested parties may assert their rights as expressed by 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Legislative Decree no. 30 June 2003. 196 by contacting the data controller. You have the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that need not be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; c) confirmation that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data was communicated or disclosed, except if this requirement is impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. You have the right to object to processing in the terms and in the manner provided by the provisions mentioned. HOLDER, RESPONSIBLE AND COMMUNICATION POLICY The Owner is the company ASL Aviation Holdings DAC, with registered office at 3 Malahide Road, Swords, County Dublin, Ireland. The updated list of those responsible is presently at the headquarters of the company. For each communication under Articles. 7 et seq. of Leg. n. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments the Owner provides the address. Companies associated and / or controlled or belonging to ASL Aviation Holdings DAC that following the consultation of databases should make other treatments, they will play the full ownership. NATURE OF CONFERMENT The conferment of data is optional and is left to the will of the candidate who, without any solicitation by the Owner, present their CV/resume and fill out the form. With regard to the data subsequently and eventually requested by the Owner, the absence makes it impossible to proceed with the verification of the conditions for the hiring and / or to the beginning of the collaboration and, therefore, the eventual establishment of the relationship with the Owner. CONSENT The consent to treatment is necessary pursuant to Art. 24 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, as amended, as the processing concerns data contained in the curricula spontaneously sent by the stakeholders regarding the eventual establishment of a working relationship / collaboration, but also data specifically required by the form, and it is necessary for data communication to the company of ASL Aviation Holdings DAC. Similarly, for any sensitive data transmitted in the same manner by the person concerned, for which the consent is excluded by art. 26 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, paragraph 3, letter. B-bis). I take note of the above privacy in the information above and I give my consent to the treatment described herein. In particular, I agree to the treatment, including the communication to the company ASL Aviation Holdings DAC of my personal data by the data controller itself, for the purposes and within the limits indicated in the foregoing statement.



(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)

Terms and Conditions - Rights and Responsibilities of ASL Airlines Group User 1. Subject of the Contract This page, which should be read carefully, states the "General Conditions" governing the use of the portal ASL Airlines Group (hereinafter the "Portal") of ASL Airlines Group (hereinafter the "Company"). To use the services offered on our Portal you will have to accept these General Conditions by clicking on the dedicated button. In case you do not agree to these Terms, you may not use this portal and the services offered. The Company reserves the right to modify at any time the present Terms without notice. The terms "you" and "User" hereinafter used, indicate the natural and legal access for any reason this Website. 2. Permitted use of the Portal General Rules: Users may not use the Portal to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material (a) in violation of applicable laws or regulations, (b) so as to violate copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other people's intellectual property rights or violate the privacy or personal rights of third parties, (c) in a way which is slanderous, obscene or contrary to morality or public order. Safety rules: Users must not violate or try to violate the security system of the Portal. It is also prohibited (a) accessing data not intended for such user or enter the server or in an account which the user is not authorized to access, (b) try to analyse, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without specific authorization, (c) try to interfere with the service provided to any other User, including, without limitation, interference achieved by introducing a virus into the Portal, overloading the system or by using flooding techniques, spamming, mailbombing or crashing, (d) sending unsolicited e-mails, including promotions and/ or advertising of products or services, or (e) forging any TCP/ IP packet header or any information on the header of email messages addressed to individual or groups (newsgroups). Violations of the security measures system or network may result in civil or penal liability. The Company will therefore investigate the behaviours which could result in penal or civil violation of laws and may involve, or cooperate with, the competent authorities in pursuing the Users involved in such violations. 3. Specific Prohibited Uses The portal can be used only for purposes authorized by law by those seeking employment or information about future job prospects as well as by employers seeking staff. The Company prohibits the following ways to use the Portal (and all users agree not to use the portal in that way): (a)   the inclusion of personal information which are incomplete, false, inaccurate or otherwise of information that do not match your personal profile; (b)  the cancellation or modification of material posted by another User; (c)   the use of any device, software or routine which can interfere with the functionality of the Portal or with any activity conducted on the same portal; (d)  to take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionate burden on the infrastructure of the Portal; (e)   to disclose or share your password with third parties or use your password for any unauthorized purpose, whereas the latter allows access to restricted areas of the Portal; (f)    except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, using or attempting to use search engines, software or other device or mechanism (including, without limitation, browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate or explore this portal, unless these instruments or research engines are made available by the Company on the same portal or browsers made available to the general public (e.g. Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer); (g)   to attempt to decipher, decode, disassemble or rebuild the content of a software used to structure the Portal. 4. Personal User's data the registration process on our Portal includes your provision of some personal data (hereinafter "Personal Data") to our Company. With regard to the processing of such Personal Data by the Company, please refer to 'Privacy Policy' clauses below, which are available on the website. In that regard, we remind you that your consent to the processing of Personal Data is a necessary requirement for the registration on ASL Airlines Group and for the provision of services delivered on our Portal. 5. User's Obligations the User is responsible for the consequences that may result from the inclusion of data, information and materials of any kind on the Portal. It is forbidden to the User: (a) to include material that is protected by copyright, unless the User holds the copyright or has the permission of the owner; (b) to include material that reveals trade secrets, unless the User holds or has the permission of the owner; (c) to insert material that violates others' intellectual property rights or affecting others' privacy rights or rights related to advertising contracts, (d) upload, post, place or otherwise transmit any material that is unlawful, threatening, obscene, defamatory, racist or contrary to public policy or morality, (e) insert sexually explicit images or texts; (f) upload, post, send e-mails or otherwise transmit or distribute, promotional material, junk mail, spam or any other form of solicitation which is unauthorized or unsolicited, (g) insert "S. Antony" messages chains or pyramids, (h) misrepresent your identity and (i) upload, send via e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the operation of any software, hardware or telecommunication installations of third parties. The Company does not in any way guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and reliability of the statements included by users and assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by Users. You acknowledge that the Company does not guarantee veracity, of material posted by Users so the use of said material is at User's risk itself. The Company acts as a simple interface for online publication of information and data entered by the individual users and must not assess in advance the communications, data and information entered. Whenever a user reports to the Company that communications, data or information included in the Portal are allegedly not complying with these Terms, the Company will investigate on the recommendation made and determine in good faith, and in its sole discretion, whether to remove or request the removal of this material. The Company reserves the right to expel Users and to prohibit subsequent access to the same portal, where they have been guilty of violations of contract terms or rules of law. The Company also reserves the right to remove material that is threatening, obscene, defamatory, racist or contrary to public policy or morality. The Company may at its discretion take whatever action it deems necessary and appropriate in relation to material provided by the User, if it considers that this material could lead to a responsibility of the Company itself or otherwise to cause the Company a loss or reduction of services of its ISPs or other suppliers. Except as provided by applicable law, by entering material (except personal data) in the Portal (including spaces for messages, forums, contests and chat rooms) the User grants the Company the right that is perpetual, irrevocable, which can be given in turn license, and non-exclusive, and the license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, edit, distribute, disclose, communicate to public, display and use this material (in whole or in part) worldwide and / or incorporate it in other works in any form, by any media or technology known today or that will be developed in the future. User warrants that any holder of rights in the material entered by the user himself has renounced in whole to the same right and has validly and irrevocably granted the right to grant the above licenses. The User allows any registered user of the Portal to access, display, examine, store and play this material for personal use. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the owner retains all rights relating to material posted on the Portal. 6. Account and Password After the registration process you will be assigned an account and a password. Maintaining the privacy of your account and password is your sole responsibility and therefore you will be solely and exclusively responsible for all activities that are implemented through the use of your account or your password by third parties provided by you with those identifying information or otherwise entered into possession of the same for your negligence. You agree to promptly notify to the Company about any unauthorized use of the password. 7. Liability of the Company The Company gives employers the opportunity to offer individually new employment opportunities and workers to enter their profiles in the Portal. The Company does not carry out any type of monitoring and control activity over material posted on the Portal. The Company is in no way involved in the negotiation between employers, other customers and partner organizations and candidates: therefore, the Company can have no control over the quality, safety or legality of job opportunities or profiles posted, over the truth or accuracy of the data entered, over the ability of employers to offer employment opportunities to applicants or over working capacity of the latter. Note also that having contacts with strangers, foreigners, minors or persons who may appear under a false name, presents risks of various types including to incur physical damage. Anyone who visits the Portal assumes all risks related to entering in contact with other users through the same Portal. Please also be advised that, given the fact that the recognition of the identity of users through Internet is difficult, The Company can provide no assurance regarding the true identity of users with whom you enter in contact. The Company is not involved and cannot be involved in user-to-user relationships or control the behaviour of users on the Portal: so, if any dispute arises between Users, you agree to indemnify the Company (or its agents/ collaborators or employees) for each and any damage you would suffer as a result of such disputes. The Company has no legal obligation in this regard and in general does not control the information and in general material submitted by Users and inserted into the portal database. Keep also in mind that the information posted by other Users could also result offensive or inaccurate and, in some cases, may be incorrect or deliberately misleading. The Company expects that you use caution and good sense in the use of the Portal. Please also be advised that the Material may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Company does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in the Portal or the Material. The use of our Portal and the Material is at your sole risk. Keep also in mind that changes are periodically made to our portal, which can occur at any time. In any case, You acknowledge that You are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of the material/ s contained therein that you insert in our portal. Employers are solely responsible for information and offers inserted in the portal. The Company shall not be regarded as an employer with respect to Portal services. The Company is also in no way responsible for decisions taken by employers in recruiting staff while using the Portal. The Company does not warrant that portal is error-free or that the portal or the server are free of viruses or technical defects of any kind. If the use of Portal or material damages your tools or your data, the Company is in no way responsible for the costs of services related to maintenance, repairs or replacements. The portal services and materials are offered without any guarantee by the company (on a "as is" basis). The company, in extent required by law, excludes any warranty, express or implied. In that regard, the company does not release any guarantee over the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the material, services, software, texts, graphics and links. You acknowledge that the Company and no other that had a part in the creation, production or services supply of ASL Airlines Group. It will be liable for any damages of any nature, whether contractual or extra-contractual, resulting from the activation or use of services offered on the portal and / or from the interruption of the functioning of the same Portal. In no event the Company shall be held responsible for malfunction of services resulting from failure of the telephone, electrical lines and from national, global or international network overloads or outages. 8. Indemnification The User declares and warrants to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and individuals associated with it or controlled by it, its representatives, collaborators and employees from any claim (including reasonable legal fees) that may arise against them in the use of the Portal and related to the Material by the User or to the violation of these Terms. 9. Links to other sites The Portal may contain links to other sites; the Company is not in any case responsible for the content of these sites: The Company, therefore, does not make any warranty regarding the content and accuracy of material on these sites. If you decide to access sites that have links with ASL Airlines Group, such access will be under your sole responsibility. 10. Prohibition of resale or unauthorized commercial use You agree not to resell or assign your rights or your obligations under these Terms of Use of the Portal. You also undertake not to make an unauthorized commercial use of the Portal. 11. Duration and termination of the agreement User acknowledges that the Company may, at its discretion, disconnect the User's password and account or interrupt the use of the service at any time, with a previous written notice sent via e-mail at least 5 days before. The Company reserves the right to declare this contract terminated under Article 1456 of the Civil Code (Italian Law), through a written communication sent to the User via e-mail, in case the User is in breach of one of its obligations under Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 of the present Terms and Conditions. 12. General Provisions If one of the terms of the present Conditions were held invalid by a competent judicial authority, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms which will continue to be in force. Except for what expressly provided in additional terms and conditions for the use of the Portal, these Terms contain all predictions that govern the contractual relationship between you (the User) and the Company in connection with the use of the Portal. 13. Further conditions for the use of the Portal Other areas accessible from this Portal are subject to further and different terms and conditions for the use of services. By using these different areas of the Portal, you agree to submit to further conditions applicable to the same areas. 14. Applicable law and jurisdiction These Terms and the relationship between the Company and the User are governed by Italian law. All disputes arising under this contract will be finally settled by arbitration at the Court of Turin.




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