Become a Trainer

The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) Dublin 2 Ireland Education

Company Description

The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is a postgraduate medical training college dedicated to ensuring that doctors have the skills to provide patients with the best possible care. Founded in 1654, the college supports doctors to enhance their skills, competencies, and professionalism throughout their working lives.

Through its Faculties and Institutes, The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, offers medical training programmes, examinations, diplomas, and educational courses to equip doctors with the skills and knowledge they need to care for patients and run safe and efficient healthcare systems. It also offers a range of educational diplomas and courses for learners in the wider healthcare sector.


RCPI Trainers play a crucial role in the delivery of our BST, HST and International training programmes. They guide our trainees along the path to becoming a specialist and help the next generation of medical leaders reach their full potential.

As an RCPI Trainer, you have access to motivated, highly skilled trainees who have been successfully appointed following a competitive process. These are trainees who will contribute to a high-quality service. We will provide you with advice, training and support through our Physicians and Trainers: Essential Skills Programme. This will equip you to navigate the training environment and to optimise both your experience and that of the trainee.

Your ongoing role is supported by phased refresher training and a comprehensive trainer hub which can be accessed here. This repository holds resources and supports available to RCPI Trainer as well as a published copy of the Trainer Agreement.

Being an RCPI Trainer is a rewarding experience however, we understand matters may arise such as a trainee in difficulty and RCPI is committed to supporting you through any difficulties which may arise. There are robust and regularly reviewed policies in place as well as administrative and faculty support to take action in such events.



  • Be registered on the relevant specialist division of the Medical Council Register in Ireland
  • Be registered on a professional competence scheme in Ireland
  • Practise at a consultant level/equivalent post in Ireland (must hold permanent contract)
  • Complete and submit the online trainer application form
  • Complete the Physicians as Trainers Essential Skills course and required refresher programmes
  • Complete the Trainer’s Refresher course when required
  • It is also desirable for the trainer to be a Fellow of the relevant training body.

Role and Responsibilities as a Trainer

Relationship with the Trainee

  • Be familiar with the relevant training Curriculum and the specialty specific learning objectives
  • At the commencement of each posting, the Trainer should arrange a one-to-one meeting with the Trainee to discuss the duties of the post, responsibilities, rota, set goals and agree a training plan for the duration of the post including attendance at training/study days and study leave provision
  • The Trainer should review the Trainee’s previous Annual Evaluation of Progress (AEP) (where appropriate) formerly the End of Year Assessments, as an aid to setting goals for the current post
  • The Trainer should be familiar with the training programme curriculum in order to facilitate the development of the Trainee’s learning objectives and evaluation requirements. Ensure that Trainee goals are signed off within the first six weeks of commencing the post
  • Be familiar with the Trainee’s e-Portfolio and use it to document interactions with the Trainee including trainer sign off for relevant forms
  • Engagement with disciplinary and/or remediation actions as required
  • Ensure that all training requirements are completed
  • Conduct the annual evaluations of progress

Act as a supervisor to the Trainee

  • Directly observe the Trainee’s clinical work and provide constructive timely feedback
  • to reinforce good practice, identify areas for improvement and enable the Trainee to evaluate their own performance and progress
  • Indirectly observe the Trainee’s work with other Trainers/colleagues
  • Establish a constructive learning environment and relationship with the Trainee to encourage advice-seeking and maximise learning opportunities
  • Encourage and facilitate training time and contribute to the local academic teaching programme. Trainers and Trainees should negotiate the Trainee’s attendance at educational meetings, events and programmes including mandatory study days
  • Encourage the Trainee to recognise training opportunities within the service component of training post
  • Treat the trainee with respect and consideration as a contributing member of the

Feedback and Annual Evaluations

  • Provide regular feedback, mid-post for BSTs and Residency trainees and every three months for HSTs and fellowship trainees, on progress against training objectives to the Trainee. This should include regular documented meetings
  • Review meetings should be held regularly, in protected time and in a private environment
  • Provide regular feedback on the Trainee’s progress including achievements; identify and articulate any areas for improvement as early as possible and take appropriate steps to facilitate improvement in performance or initiate remediation processes in conjunction with RCPI Training and Faculties Office. The Trainer should refer to the escalation flow at the end of this document.
  • Remain in regular contact with the appropriate NSD, RPD, RSA or Associate Director of BST GIM (BST) and the RCPI Training and Faculties Office and report progress or lack thereof. The Trainer should take the earliest opportunity to make the NSD/ RPD/ RSA Associate Director and the Training and Faculties Office aware of any problems that arise
  • Complete all Annual Evaluations as required
  • Attend AEPs of HST Trainees. Participation is mandatory for Penultimate Annual Evaluations only and highly desirable for first year Annual Evaluations, for all other AEPs Trainers can participate by teleconference


  • Trainers should ensure that the required assessments are completed during the training post. The assessment forms should be completed in the Trainee’s eportfolio. This is a fundamentsal task for completion by the trainer as it directly impacts trainee progression between stages of the programme.

Act as a Role Model for Trainees

  • Trainers should act as a role model for Trainees by displaying professionalism in their work practices and behaviour. When a BST/HST/International Trainee is deemed to be falling below the standards required of a Trainee, feedback should be given in a constructive fashion

Additional Responsibilities

Recruitment and Selection

  • Participate in the recruitment and selection process of candidates to the training programme e.g., participate in scheme interviews


  • Participate in the delivery of membership examinations as required

Quality Improvement Visits of Training Sites

  • Participation in the Training Site Quality Improvement Visits (RCPI Site QI Model) of hospitals and other training sites wherein training is delivered

Already registered? Login with your account

Not registered? Complete the form

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Thank you for your application for employment with RCPI.


We respect your right to privacy throughout the recruitment process and, in accordance with the GDPR, this document provides you with information on how the personal data that you provide, in applying for a position with RCPI, will be used.


How does RCPI collect personal data about you?

What type of data does RCPI hold about you?

How will RCPI use your personal data?

What is the legal basis in GDPR for RCPI’s processing your personal data?

With whom will RCPI share your personal data?

How will RCPI store your personal data and keep it safe?

How long will RCPI retain your personal data?

Will applicants be subject to profiling or automated decision making?

What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

How can you raise a query or complaint about the use of your personal data?



How does RCPI collect personal data about you?

As part of the recruitment process, we collect personal data about candidates from the following sources:

·      You, the candidate

·      Your named referees

·      From publicly accessible sources such as LinkedIn


What type of data does RCPI hold about you?

In connection with your application, we will collect, use and store the following personal data about you:

·      The data you have provided to us in your curriculum vitae (CV) and the personal data contained in your covering letter which is likely to include:

-      First name, surname and title

-      Address

-      Telephone number

-      Personal email address

-      Date of birth

-      Employment history

-      Education and qualifications

-      Professional memberships

·      Personal data you have provided to us during interviews whether by phone, online or face-to-face

·      Any personal data provided to us about you by your referees which will include dates of previous employment and performance during previous employment


How will RCPI use your personal data?

We will use the personal data we collect about you to:

·      Assess your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the role

·      Communicate with you about the recruitment process

·      Carry out background and reference checks where appropriate

·      Keep records related to our hiring processes

·      Comply with legal or regulatory requirements





What is the legal basis in GDPR for RCPI’s processing your personal data?

It is a ‘legitimate interest’ of RCPI to process the personal data of job applicants to assess their suitability for the role in question.

Processing of candidate personal data is also necessary for RCPI to prepare for a potential contract with the data subject.

Where applicable, the processing of data relating to a job applicant’s entitlement to work is necessary to enable RCPI to comply with legal obligations to which it is subject.


With whom will RCPI share your personal data?

The RCPI recruitment process is managed within RCPI without the engagement of any third parties. 

We engage third party to provide various ICT services e.g. HR Information Systems. We have Data Processing Agreements in place with these providers to that they have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to process, store, and safeguard your personal data.

In the event that a particular role required that we share your personal data with a third party, in addition to having a Data Processing Agreement in place, we would ensure that:

·      The transfer is based on a legal obligation, the performance of a contract, or explicit consent.

·      Where data is transferred to another party, we ensure appropriate technical and organisational safeguards are used to protect your personal data.


How will RCPI store your personal data and keep it safe?

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

We limit access to your personal data to those who have a business need-to-know. They will only process your personal data on our specific instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.


How long will RCPI retain your personal data?

If your application for employment is successful and you accept a post with RCPI, your personal data will be incorporated into your personnel file. After 12 months, information that related only to the recruitment process such as cover letter and references will be destroyed in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.

If your application for employment was unsuccessful, we will retain your personal data for a period of 1 year after your last application date and will securely destroy your personal data in accordance with our data retention policy. In this instance we retain your personal data for the following purposes:

·     As evidence that we have conducted the recruitment exercise in a fair and transparent way

·     In case a similar role becomes vacant for which you will be a fitting candidate. We will request your explicit consent to use your data for this purpose


Will applicants be subject to profiling or automated decision making?

Profiling means the automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual. RCPI does not use any means of individual profiling.

Automated individual decision-making is when an organisation makes a decision solely by automated means without any human involvement. RCPI does not use any automated decisions making.


What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

Under the GDPR you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

·        Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

·        Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data corrected.

·        Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it.

·        Object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground.

·        Request the restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.

·        Request the transfer of your personal data to another party.


How can you raise a query or complaint about the use of your personal data?

You can address any questions or concerns about the use of your personal data with the RCPI Data Protection Officer using the contact details below.


If you are unhappy with the RCPI’s handling of your personal data or believe that the requirements of the data protection legislation are not being complied with and the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction by RCPI, you also have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner using the contact details below


RCPI Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer


4th Floor Frederick House,

19 Frederick Street South,

Dublin 2

D02 X266

Data Protection Commissioner,

21 Fitzwilliam Square South

Dublin 2

D02 RD28


Phone: 01 8639700

Phone: 01 7650100

Email: [email protected]






(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)