Predoctoral researcher - Lentiviral vectors for gene therapy

IQS - Universitat Ramon Llull Barcelona España Posiciones Personal Investigador En presencia

Descripción de la Organización

IQS, a founding member of Universitat Ramon Llull, is made up of two university faculties: IQS School of Engineering and IQS School of Management; IQS Executive Education which offers specialized training to professionals and companies; the IQS Tech Transfer division which carries out research, innovation and technology transfer for industry and companies; and by IQS Tech Factory which promotes entrepreneurship and supports the creation of new scientific-technological companies.

With more than 100 years of teaching experience, IQS is a benchmark university center, committed to responding to the continuous challenges that the social, economic, technological and industrial context poses.

Our vocation and commitment is the comprehensive training of people with attitudes, knowledge and skills that drive them towards their personal and professional development.

We promote scientific and technological knowledge, business transformation and the progress of society.

At IQS we are looking for professionals committed to these values.



Lentiviral vectors (LV) are efficient vehicles for gene transfer in mammalian cells due to their capacity to stably express a gene of interest in non-dividing and dividing cells. Their use has exponentially grown in the last years both in research and in gene therapy protocol. One of the most known applications of LV is in immunotherapy. These therapies stimulate the patient’s immune system to eliminate cancer cells by enhancing the body’s own defences. In contrary of the actual methodology where immune cells are extracted, transduced with LV and reinjected into the patient, we want to design a strategy that involves the injection LV directly into the patient’s bloodstream to target and genetically modify the patient’s T cells within the body. To do so, we will use a polymeric coating of the LV that target these vectors to the circulating T cells.


The objective of this PhD will be to design and characterize a polymeric coating for lentiviral particles able to transfect specific cells once injected in vivo.

During this PhD, you will design and synthesize new viral coatings based on (co)polymers. The size, composition, stability, and morphology of these nanovectors will be assessed using state-of-the-art physicochemical techniques involving scattering radiation and microscopy. Furthermore, you will test the efficiency of your designed systems in cells and in animal models.

The successful candidate will be based at IQS-School of Engineering, an internationally renowned research Institution in the field of Chemistry and Biosciences. The project is transdisciplinary, including knowledge on nanomedicine and chemistry and it will be developed in the bioengineering department.


  • Graduated in Biotechnology, Chemistry, Biology or related fields, at the master's level.

  • Experience in some of this fields: cell culture techniques, transfection/transduction, polymer synthesis and characterization.

  • Strong motivation, proactivity, and creativity.

  • Proficiency in teamwork as well as in independently developing projects.

Otra información


  • Type of workday: 9 AM - 6 PM

  • Start date: September

  • Contract duration: 3 years


The following documents should be added to the application:

  • Motivation letter explaining why you would be a good candidate for this position and our team.

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Academic record including the final average grade


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Responsable del tratamiento: Institut Químic de Sarrià CETS Fundació Privada.

Finalidad: organización de los procesos selectivos del personal de administración y servicios y del personal docente investigador; evaluación de los candidatos y análisis de los candidatos en función de los lugares vacantes o de nueva creación; información sobre la convocatoria y resultados, gestión y actualización de la bolsa de trabajo interna.

Legitimación: los datos se tratan en cumplimiento de una relación precontractual y consentimiento de la persona interesada.

Destinatarios: los datos no se comunican a otras personas.

Conservación: Los currículums vitae se conservan durante dos años, incluidos los de las personas que no acaben siendo contratadas, por si a corto plazo se produce una nueva vacante o un nuevo puesto de trabajo; aunque a petición de la persona interesada, se eliminarán inmediatamente después de la solicitud.

Derechos de las personas interesadas: se pueden ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad y solicitud de la limitación del tratamiento dirigiéndose al IQS.

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